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OBComposeViewWidget is a new solution provided by Outbrain to integrate our Web-based solution for SmartLogic\Smartfeed in a native Android app built with Jetpack Compose.

The general concept for integrating Outbrain Web-based solution in a native app – is to include SFWebViewWidget which encapsulate WebView which in turn loads the SmartLogic feed in a Web format with a native bridge to pass messages from\to native code.

SFWebViewWidget is a sub-class of WebView.

Integration instructions

You will need to register your app’s Outbrain configuration once during the initialization of your app, before calling any other Outbrain method. You can do this by calling Outbrain’s register() method.


Please make sure to follow the Getting Started guidelines before move foreward. Specifically make sure to call Outbrain.register() method.

Compose Plugin Dependency

In the project build.gradle file, add the following:

allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url ""

In the app module's build.gradle file -> under “dependencies” -> add the line:

implementation ''
implementation ''

Optional - for tracking events

See more details at the bottom of this page.

implementation "com.squareup:otto:1.3.8"

LazyColumn Integration

Step 1

Store the SFWebViewWidget in your LazyColumn Composable item

1. Import the rememberSFWebViewState method:

import com.outbrain.compose_plugin.core.rememberSFWebViewState

2. Use the rememberSFWebViewState method in your LazyColumn Composable item to initialize and remember the SFWebViewWidget:

fun ArticleContents() {
val widgetState = rememberSFWebViewState(
url = "", // article url
widgetId = "MB_2", // widget id
installationKey = "NANOWDGT01", // installation key
widgetIndex = 0, // widget index (default is 0) - should be set only if there are 2 widgets on the same page)
sfWebViewClickListener = null, // sfWebViewClickListener (default is null)
darkMode = false // darkMode (default is "false")

Step 2

Add the OBComposeViewWidget to your LazyColumn Composable item

1. Import the OBComposeViewWidget:

import com.outbrain.compose_plugin.core.OBComposeViewWidget

2. Save the LazyColumn state:

val listState = rememberLazyListState()
LazyColumn(state= listState) { ... }

3. Add the OBComposeViewWidget as a list item:

item { // Outbrain widget
listState = listState,
webViewWidget = widgetState,
idx = 7, // index of this item in the list
modifier = Modifier... // Add a Modifier (optional)

Optional – Tracking events

In your Activity onCreate() – register to Outbrain OttoBus event via:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

In the Activity implement the @subscribe for the following 2 methods:

fun onOutbrainRecReceived(event: OutbrainBusProvider.BridgeRecsReceivedEvent) {
println("Received event onOutbrainRecReceived: ${event.widgetID}")

fun receivedHeightChangeEvent(event: OutbrainBusProvider.HeightChangeEvent) {
println("Received event HeightChange: ${event.height}")